eTB Public Private Mix (eTB PPM) is digital platform developed by National Tuberculosis Control Center (NTCC) as part of National Tuberculosis Program (NTP).
National Tuberculosis Control Center (NTCC) as part of it's National Tuberculosis Program (NTP) released this eTB PPM application which works based on popular Hub and Spoke mechanism to identify, track, diagnose and enroll Tuberculosis patients. In this application NTCC will register Hub & Spoke providing login credentials for them. Spokes may be Urban Volunteer or Pharmacy are responsible for identifying individuals with symptoms of TB and enter details about them in Registration interface. Spoke choose a nearby Hub for the patient to be tested for TB. When Hub login the application s/he can get the list of patients referred to them (by Spoke) for diagnosis. If a patient visit the Hub, then Hub enter diagnosis result and findings of patient. If the patient is found to be TB +ve they will be referred to treatment center (DOTS or Non-DOTS) center, if not then simply the diagnosis detail are submitted to server. The application need internet connectivity during Login and offline recorded data submission step. Once logged in all necessary data will be fetched from server and will check for new records if internet connectivity is available. After referring the patient to DOTS or Non-DOTS center, the patient enters on eTB ecoSystem where already developed systems eTB Master Register (for DOTS) and eTB Private Practitioner (for Non-DOTS) take care further endeavor of treatment regimen.
The National Tuberculosis Programme (NTP) is fully integrated within the general primary health care system of Government of Nepal. National Tuberculosis Control Centre (NTCC) is the focal point of the NTP. It is responsible for formulating programme policies, strategy and planning.
Central laboratory at the NTCC is the focal point for the NTP laboratory network, which is responsible for policy and guideline development, training, quality control and supervision. Technical support, monitoring and evaluation, training, supervision, logistics, health education, communication, and research are key functions of NTCC.
Furthermore, quantification and procurement and supply of anti-tuberculosis drugs are key responsibilities of the NTCC. The NTCC is procuring both first and second line anti TB drugs for the TB patients from Global Drug Facility (GDF). Drugs are distributed through the system of Logistics Management Division of the Department of Health Services. NTCC has also established Programme Management Unit (PMU) at the central level for overall management of the Global Fund grants and provide technical inputs to formulate policies, program, implementation, monitoring and evaluation for the programme.
At the Regional level, NTP activities are planned and carried out in coordination and cooperation with the Regional Health Directorate. The Regional Tuberculosis Centre (RTC) in Pokhara provides technical support to TB control activities in the Western Region in coordination with NTCC. There is full time permanent Regional TB Leprosy Officers (RTLO) appointed in each region. Regional levels are responsible for programme implementation within the regions. In addition, the regional office is responsible for training, monitoring & evaluation and supervision of programme activities. Regional office also provides logistical support, supply of TB drugs and other requirement through Regional Logistic Management Division.